Recording - EquinorOut global campaign launch

Listen in to the recording from this webinar on April 17th to find out more about the #EquinorOut global campaign & hear from campaigns fighting against Equinor’s fossil fuel expansion around the world. 

April 26, 2024
Recording - EquinorOut global campaign launch
Table of content

Listen in to the recording from this webinar on April 17th to find out more about the #EquinorOut global campaign & hear from campaigns fighting against Equinor’s fossil fuel expansion around the world. 

Campaigners shared exciting updates about the coalition and how you can get involved wherever you are. You will hear from local campaigns including Stop Rosebank, Atlanticazo and the campaign against Bay du Nord, and be supported to take action together.

Recording can be found here


  • Conor Curtis, head of communication at Sierra Club Canada Foundation and part of the campaign against the mega-project Bay du Nord.
  • Juliana Orihuela, activist from Argentina, active in the movement against offshore drilling in the Argentine sea, under the umbrella #Atlanticazo.
  • Lauren MacDonald, campaigner with the #StopRosebank campaign in the UK.


Norway’s state-owned oil company Equinor is one of the most aggressive oil companies in the world when it comes to expanding into new frontier areas and investing in huge fossil fuel projects that will produce oil and gas for decades to come. At the same time, Norway presents itself as a climate leader and challenges other countries to do more to tackle the climate crisis.

But, Norway’s climate hypocrisy is increasingly being exposed, and its vehicle for global fossil fuel expansion, Equinor, is facing huge opposition both at home and abroad. The Equinor Out coalition brings together campaigns fighting against Equinor’s fossil fuel expansion around the world from the UK, to Argentina, Canada, Norway, Brazil, Tanzania and beyond.

The #EquinorOut coalition demands that Norway and Equinor take responsibility for their contribution to the nature and climate crisis, and immediately stop all fossil fuel expansion and act in line with climate science and Norway’s climate commitments.

Stopping Equinor’s fossil fuel adventure would be a win for the climate, nature, and local people, and could create a ripple-effect across the industry.